Song of My Soul Mosaics
Song of My Soul Mosaics 

       New Dimensions in Glass Art & Mosaic                              by Mary Beth Binder




 Mosaic is an ancient form of art where many disparate pieces come together
to form a cohesive whole. 
A  mosaic composed of glass is not only stunning, it is also unique in the world of glass arts
because of the exciting movement, reflection and transmission of light and color
through and around the cut facets of glass.
 Please feel free to contact me if you are Interested in adding a fine art piece to your collection.

I also accept commissions for custom work.





                                Whatʻs New:

       "The Voice of the Ancestors" artwork:




"The Cosmos: Luukeileng, the Center of Heaven" 


Inspired by one of the primary Micronesian gods whose blessing was invoked during the pwo initiation ceremony for those deemed ready to lead seafaring voyages utilizing only traditional Polynesian navigational techniques.








                                                    "Ka ʻIwa I Mua o ka Waʻa"


             "The Frigate Bird Guides the Canoe / The Ancestors Guide the People". 


As the only bird known to deliberately use the turbulence of cumulus clouds to

rise up to 2 miles into the sky so that it can soar effortlessly for weeks,

the ʻIwa represents the guidance of the ancestors sent to call the people

in the waʻa of Hawaiʻi to not only rise above the storm clouds, but to use

the energy of those storms to find their best path forward.







"Moe Manō Kihikihi"


"Dream of the Scalloped Hammerhead"


The ʻaumakua of the Hawaiian people may appear in real life, in visions, or in dreams to offer practical and spiritual guidance from departed family ancestors to their descendants. The hammerhead shark is one of the most respected sharks and is not considered a man-eater, but rather one that offers protection from the other sharks. Some believe that the hammerhead shark is also the birth animal of children who are destined to be warriors and sail the oceans. This spiritual connection to sharks has led to Hawaiʻi having some of the strongest shark protection in the world.


This piece shimmers like the sea when light reflects off the more than 4400 pieces

of hand cut stained glass.


For details and prices, and to view more images,

please visit the "Artwork" page.

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